標準地價 1 standard price of land
不變價格 1 constant price
財產權 2 right of property
財政收入 2 fiscal revenues
財政支出 2 fiscal expenditure
裁定 2 judge
產權 3 property rights
成本價格 3 cost price
城市房地產稅 3 urban real extate tax
城市居民家庭購買商品支出 3 commodity purchase expenditure of urbanite's family
城市居民家庭可支配收入 4 disposable income of urbanite's family
城市居民家庭全部收入 4 total income of urbanite's family
城市居民家庭消費性支出 4 consumption expenditure of urbanite's family
城市居民消費價格指數 4 urbanite's consumption price index
城鄉居民儲蓄存款余額 4 personal deposits balance of the saving of urban and rural of whole country
城鎮土地使用稅 4 land occupancy tax of cities and towns
出生率 5 birth rate
初次分配總收入 5 totalincome of primary distribution
從業人員 5 employees
戴德梁行指數 5 DTZ Index
地產經濟學 6 estate economics
地產稅 6 estate tax
地上權 6 surface right
地役權 6 easement
地租 7 land rent
地租率 7 land rent rate
地租資本化 7 capitalization of land rent
動產 7 chattel
房產 8 house property
房產經濟學 8 economics of house property
房產市場 8 market of house property
房地產 8 real estate
房地產保證金 8 guarantee deposit of real estate
房地產產權 9 real estate tilte
房地產出售權 9 right to sellreal estate
房地產處分權 9 right to disposite real estate
房地產抵押權 9 right to hypothecate real estate
房地產個人所得稅 9 individual Income Tax of Real estate
房地產繼承權 9 right to inherit real estate
房地產價格指數成本投入法 10 cost input approach of real estate price index
房地產價格指數加權平均法 10 wighted average approach of real estate price index
房地產交易手續費 11 service charge of real estate trade
房地產經濟學 11 economics of real estate
房地產開發經營權 11 right to develop and operate real estate
房地產權屬檔案 11 ownership file of real estate
房地產權屬檔案管理 12 administration of ownership file of real estate
房地產權屬登記管理 12 registration management of ownership of real estate
房地產權屬轉移登記 12 shift registation of ownership of real estate
房地產權屬總登記 12 general registration of ownership of real estate
房地產使用權 12 tenure of real estate
房地產市場 13 real estate market
房地產所有權 13 ownership of real estate
房地產業 13 real estate industry
房地產印花稅 13 real estate stamp tax
房地產營業稅 13 business tax of real estate
房地產營業稅附加 14 additional business tax of real estate
房地產用益權 14 usfructuary right of real estate
房地產贈與權 14 gift right of real estate
房地產占有權 14 occupation right of real estate
房地產租賃權 14 lease right of real estate
房屋 14 house
房屋拆遷補償 15 compensation for removal of houses
房屋價值 16 value of house
房屋建筑竣工面積 16 completed floor space of building
房屋建筑面積竣工率 16 completion rate of floor space of building
房屋建筑施工面積 16 floor space under construction of building
房屋權屬變更登記 16 shift registration of ownership of the house
房屋權屬初始登記 16 initial registation of ownership of house
房屋權屬登記費 16 registration fee of ownership of housing
房屋權屬他項權利登記 17 other right registration of ownership of housing
房屋權屬注銷登記 17 cancel registration of ownership of housing
房屋權屬轉移登記 17 shift registration of ownership of the house
房屋權屬總登記 17 general registration of ownership of housing
房屋所有權初始登記 17 initial registration of ownership of housing
房屋所有權登記發證 17 registration and issuing certificate of ownership of housing
房屋所有權證 17 certificate of ownership of housing
房屋他項權證 17 certificate of other right of housing
房屋有限產權 18 limited property right of hosing
房屋租金 18 house rent
房屋租買比價 18 comparison price between renting and buying of house
房租 18 house rent
房租構成 18 composition of house rent
非住宅房產 19 non-residential house property
封建土地所有制 19 feudal ownership of land
賦稅 19 levy
高級住宅 20 superior house
各單位的從業人員 20 employees from every unit
更新改造投資 20 renewal and reconstruction investment
工程結算利潤 21 close profits of project
工程結算收入 21 close incomes of project
公告地價 21 announcement price of land
公開拍賣土地使用權 21 vendue of the right to use the land
購買年 22 purchase year
固定資產交付使用率 22 use rate of fixed assets delivery
固定資產投資的資金來源 22 fund source of fixed assets investment
固定資產投資額 22 volume of fixed asset investment
固定資產投資價格指數 23 price index of fixed assets investment
掛牌出讓國有土地使用權 23 listed selling the right to use the government land
國房指數 23 index of public house
國民生產總值 24 pross national product
國內生產總值 24 gross domestic product
國土經濟學 24 territory economics
含稅價格 25 price included tax
匯兌 25 remittance
貨幣地租 25 money rent
基本建設投資 26 capital construction investment
級差地租 26 differential rent
級差地租I 26 differential rent Ⅰ
級差地租Ⅱ 27 differential rent Ⅱ
集體土地所有權 27 collective land ownership
計劃價格 27 planned price
加權調和平均價格 27 weighted mediate average price
加權調和平均價格指數 27 weighted mediate average price index
加權算術平均價格 28 weighted arithmetic average price
加權算術平均價格指數 28 weighted arithmetic average price index
價格 28 price
價格標準 28 price standard
價格構成 29 price components
價格政策 29 pricing policy
建設項目投產率 29 putting into production rate of project
建筑地段地租 29 rent of the building area
建筑業統計單位 29 statistical unit of construction industry
建筑業增加值 30 value-added of construction industry
建筑業總產值 30 gross product of construction industry
經常轉移 30 current transfer
經濟活動人口 30 economic activity population
經濟適用房 30 economical and functional house
居民消費 31 resident consumption
居民消費價格指數 31 price index of resident consumption
居住戶數 31 number of families of housing area
居住人口 31 resident population
絕對地租 31 absolute rent
竣工面積 31 completed floor space
可比價格 31 comparable price
可支配總收入 32 total disposable income
課稅價格 32 tax price
礦山地租 32 land rent of mine
理論價格 32 theoretical Price
壟斷地租 32 monopolized land rent
壟斷價格 32 monopoly price
樓面地價 33 land price of floor
農村工業品零售價格指數 33 retail price index of the rural industrial products
農村居民消費價格指數 33 consumer price index of rural resident
農業地租 33 agricultural land rent
農業稅 33 agriculture tax
拍賣、協議、招標地價 33 auction, agreement, bid invitation of land price
平均地權 34 equalization of landownership
平均增長速度 34 average speed of growth
鋪面房 34 shop house
其他固定資產投資 34 other investment in fixed assets
企業總收入 35 enterprise's gross income
趨勢評估法 35 tendency appraisal method
全部建成投產項目 35 all built and put into production projects
全國35個大中城市房地產價格指數 35 real estate price index of 35 large and medium cities in the whole country
全社會固定資產投資 36 investment in fixed assets of the whole society
人口數 36 population number
人口自然增長率 36 natural growth rate of the population
三次產業 36 tertiary industry
商品房買賣合同 37 deal contract of commodity houses
商品房面積誤差比 37 area error ration of commodity houses
商品房現售條件 37 spot sell condition of commodity houses
商品房銷售 38 commodity house sell
商品房預售條件 38 presale condition of commodity house
商品零售價格指數 38 retail price index of goods
社會主義級差地租 38 socialist differential land rent
社會主義土地公有制 38 socialist land public ownership
申報地價 39 declared land price
生產價格 39 production price
生產要素 39 factors of production
施工面積 40 floor space under construction
施工項目 40 project under construction
實物地租 40 rent in kind
市場比較估價法 40 market alternate valuation approach
市場租金 41 market rent
稅負 41 taxation
稅率 41 tax rate
私人建房投資 41 individual builds room investment
私人買房優惠政策 41 preferential policy of buying house for individuals
死亡率 41 death rate
統一租金 42 uniform rent
土地報酬遞減規律 42 the law of diminishing reture of land
土地成片開發經營 42 land comprehensire development and operation
土地處分權 43 land disposition right
土地抵押 43 land mortgage
土地分割 43 land seperation
土地分紅 43 dividend on land shares
土地改革 43 land reform
土地個人所有制 44 personal ownership of land
土地公有制 44 public ownership of land
土地供給 44 land supply
土地規模經營 45 scale operation of land
土地國有化 45 land nationalization
土地國有制 46 state ownership of land
土地集體所有制 46 collective ownership of land
土地集中 47 land concentration
土地價格 47 land price
土地金融 47 land financing
土地經濟供給 47 economic supply of land
土地經營 48 land operation
土地經營方式 48 operation ways of land
土地開發 49 land development
土地開發成本 49 land development cost
土地利用邊際 49 land use margin
土地利用集約度 50 land use intensive degree
土地流動 50 land transfer
土地評估價 50 assessment price of land
土地權屬關系 50 land right relation
土地入股 50 pooling of land(as shares)
土地使用權 51 land use right
土地使用權出讓 51 land use right granting
土地使用權出租 51 lease of land use right
土地使用權初始登記 51 initial registration of land use right
土地使用權抵押 52 mortgage of land use right
土地使用權價格 52 price of land use right
土地使用權終止 52 termination of land use right
土地使用權轉讓 53 land use right transfer
土地使用權轉移 53 land use right shift
土地使用制度 53 land use system
土地使用制度改革 54 land use system reform
土地市價 54 market price of land
土地收益權 54 revenue right of land
土地稅 54 land tax
土地私有制 54 land private ownership
土地所有權 55 land ownership
土地所有權規律 55 law of land ownership
土地所有權價格 55 land ownership price
土地所有權轉移 56 land ownership shift
土地所有制 56 ownership system of land
土地他項權利 56 other rights of land
土地信用 56 land credit
土地需求 57 land demand
土地銀行 57 land bank
土地原價稅 57 original price tax of land
土地資本 58 land as capital
土地資源價值 59 land resource value
土地自然供給 59 natural supply of land
物業指數 60 weiye index
物權 60 real right
西安40指數 60 Xi'an 40 index
現行價格 61 current price
小康居住水平 61 well-to-do living condition
協議出讓土地使用權 61 agreement sell land use right
新增固定資產 62 newly-increased fixed assets
新增生產能力 62 newly-increased production capacity
遺產稅 62 legacy tax
優先權 62 right of priority
有價證券 63 securities
預算外資金收支 63 receipts and expenditures out of budget
債權 63 financial claim
招標出讓土地使用權 64 sell the land use right in bid
證券交易所 64 stock exchange
政府消費 64 government consumption
支出法國內生產總值 65 gross domestic product of expenditure approach
職工工資總額 65 gross pay of employee
職工平均工資 65 average salary of employee
職工平均工資指數 65 average salary index of employee
職工平均實際工資指數 65 average real salary index of employee
中房指數 66 China Real Estate Index System, CREIS
中央財政收入和地方財政收入 66 central fiscal revenue and local fiscal revenue
中央財政支出和地方財政支出 67 central expenditure and local expenditure
中原城市指數 67 centa-city index
住房補貼 67 housing subsidy
住房公積金管理委員會 67 management committee of public accumalation funds of housing
住房公積金管理中心 68 administrative center of public accumalation fund of housing
住宅 68 dwelling house
住宅的再生產 69 reproduction of dwelling
住宅發展戰略 69 development strategy of dwelling
住宅分配 69 dwelling distribution
住宅分配結構 69 distribution structure of dwelling
住宅供給 70 dwelling supply
住宅供給制 70 dwelling supply system
住宅基金 70 dwelling fund
住宅價格 70 dwelling price
住宅簡單再生產 71 simple reproduction of dwelling
住宅建設環境效益 71 environmental benefit of dwelling construction
住宅建設經濟效益 71 economic benefit of dwelling construction
住宅建設社會效益 71 social benefit of dwelling construction
住宅經濟體制 72 dwelling economic system
住宅經濟體制的改革 72 reform of dwelling economic system